Lectures de France: French books for all

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La reine des fourmis a disparu.

SKU: 9782210623941
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Summary / Résumé:

The Queen of the Ants Has Disappeared.

Our Queen has disappeared into the thick tropical forest that surrounds us. And it's me, Soap Jaw, who is charged with the investigation. My mission: to put the foot on who carried off our dear Queen during the night. One clue has already got me thinking. It has to do with a hair, a hair lost by the aggressor, no doubt. But who does it belong to ? ...

LDF Notes: Short text, simple vocabulary, illustrations in black. A good collection for beginner/intermediate young readers.

La reine des fourmis a disparu.

Notre reine a disparu dans l'épaisse forêt tropicale qui nous entoure. Et c'est moi, Mandibule de Savon, qui suis chargé de l'enquête. Ma mission : mettre la patte sur celui ou celle qui a enlevé notre très chère reine pendant la nuit. Un indice m'a déjà mis la puce à l'oreille. Il s'agit d'un poil, un poil perdu par l'agresseur, sans nul doute. Mais à qui peut appartenir ce fameux poil ? ...

Notes LDF: Texte court, vocabulaire simple, illustrations en noir. Bonne collection pour continuer l'apprentissage de la lecture.

Author: Fred Bernard
Editor: Magnard
Collection: Que d'histoires ! - More 6 to 7 yrs Advanced Beginning Readers -

Description: Soft Cover - 39 pages - 5.5 x 7 in. -

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